Recipe: Appetizing Omelet Kentang/Patatesli menemen/Potato Omelet

Omelet Kentang/Patatesli menemen/Potato Omelet.

Omelet Kentang/Patatesli menemen/Potato Omelet You can have Omelet Kentang/Patatesli menemen/Potato Omelet using 7 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Omelet Kentang/Patatesli menemen/Potato Omelet

  1. Prepare 2 of potatoes 🥔 (medium/big size).
  2. It's 1 of onion 🧅.
  3. It's 3 of garlics 🧄.
  4. It's 5 of eggs 🥚.
  5. Prepare 3 spoons of oil.
  6. You need of salt.
  7. It's of black pepper.

Omelet Kentang/Patatesli menemen/Potato Omelet step by step

  1. 1. Peel the potatoes, dice it. Do the same things on onion and garlic/Kupas kentang, potong dadu. Lakukan hal yang sama pada bawang merah dan bawang putih..
  2. 2. Heat the frying pan using the oils and fry the potatoes; once it's golden brown, add the onions and garlic/Panaskan wajan menggunakan minyak dan goreng kentang; setelah berwarna cokelat keemasan, tambahkan bawang bombay dan bawang putih..
  3. 3. When the smell of garlic is right, then ad the black papers and salt/Bila bau bawang putih sudah harum, lalu taburkan merica hitam dan garam..
  4. 4. Mix the potatoes, then add the mixed eggs. Spread the eggs equally in the pan, close the pan with the lid, and turn the fire smaller for 10 minutes/Campur kentang, lalu tambahkan telur campur. Sebarkan telur secara merata di dalam wajan, tutup wajan dengan penutup, dan kecilkan api selama 10 menit..
  5. 5. And the potato omelet is ready to serve for two till three persons in the breakfast/Dan omelet kentang siap disajikan untuk dua sampai tiga orang di sarapan 🍳🍞 🌅.

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