How to Make Appetizing Jus Tomat Wortel Mentimun
Jus Tomat Wortel Mentimun.
You can cook Jus Tomat Wortel Mentimun using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Jus Tomat Wortel Mentimun
- You need 6 buah of tomat.
- It's 5 buah of wortel.
- It's 2 buah of mentimun.
- You need 1 buah of jeruk nipis, kupas kulitnya.
Jus Tomat Wortel Mentimun instructions
- Kupas wortel dan mentimun. Kemudian potong-potong semua bahan..
- Proses dengan juicer, masukkan secara bergantian. Saya dapat 600 ml jus..
- Selamat minum jus sehat 🥕🍅🥒🍋.
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