How to Make Yummy Mie tek tek ala-ala abang"
Mie tek tek ala-ala abang".
You can cook Mie tek tek ala-ala abang" using 12 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Mie tek tek ala-ala abang"
- Prepare of Mie instan (saya pakai indomie goreng).
- Prepare 1 buah of telur.
- It's 2 of Bawang merah.
- Prepare 1 of Bawang putih.
- Prepare 10 of cabe rawit hijau (pedas sesuai selera yaa).
- You need of Kecap.
- It's of Saos (saya delmonte).
- Prepare of Sawi.
- It's of Sosis.
- You need 1 gelas of Air.
- It's 3 sdm of minyak.
- You need of Boleh tambah toping suka-suka.
Mie tek tek ala-ala abang" instructions
- Potong iris tipis bawang merah dan bawang putih.
- Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu yang dipotong tadi sampai harum.
- Masukkan air tunggu sampai mendidih.
- Masukkan telor, mie dan bumbu mie instan.
- Setelah mie dan telur matang,tambahkan kecap, saos,sayur sawi dan koreksi rasa.. Jika kurang asin tambahin garam atau masako yah buibu....
- Selamat menikmati buibu.๐๐.
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