Recipe: Tasty Pecal Mie Aceh
Pecal Mie Aceh.
You can cook Pecal Mie Aceh using 14 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Pecal Mie Aceh
- You need 9 helai of daun singkong.
- It's 4 buah of kacang panjang.
- You need 100 gr of mie lidi.
- You need of Telur rebus.
- You need of Bumbu Pecal.
- Prepare 50 gr of kacang tanah sangrai.
- Prepare 3 of cabe merah.
- It's 4 of cabe kecil.
- It's 25 gr of gula batok.
- It's 3 lembar of daun jeruk.
- It's 3 siung of baput.
- You need 1 ruas of kencur.
- It's 1/3 sdt of garam.
- You need Sejumput of asam jawa.
Pecal Mie Aceh instructions
- Siapkan bahan-bahan. Goreng cabe, baput & daun jeruk. Haluskan seluruh bumbu pecal..
- Tambahkan 30 ml air & asam jawa lalu kembali haluskan. Panaskan minyak lalu goreng hingga harum..
- Saatnya menyiapkan isian pecal. Rebus sayur. Untuk daun singkong, setelah mendidih rendam air dingin (suhu ruang) agar tetap berwarna hijau cantik..
- Rebus mie hingga matang. Proses perebusan ini agak lama ya moms (sekitar 10-13 menit). Setelah matang, cuci dg air mengalir..
- Saatnya plating ๐. Seduh bumbu pecal dg air matang lalu sajikan dg pelengkapnya..
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