How to Prepare Yummy 139. Pecel lele🦈

139. Pecel lele🦈.

139. Pecel lele🦈 You can cook 139. Pecel lele🦈 using 21 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of 139. Pecel lele🦈

  1. It's 500 gr of lele.
  2. It's 1 buah of jeruk nipis.
  3. It's Secukupnya of minyak goreng.
  4. It's of Bumbu marinasi lele;.
  5. Prepare 1 ruas of jahe.
  6. Prepare 3 siung of baput.
  7. Prepare 1/2 sdt of garam.
  8. You need 1 sdm of ketumbar.
  9. It's 1 ruas of kunyit.
  10. Prepare Sejumput of kaldu.
  11. You need 2 butir of kemiri.
  12. You need of Bumbu sambal;.
  13. Prepare 1 buah of trasi bakar.
  14. It's 1 buah of tomat.
  15. You need 15 of cabe merah keriting.
  16. You need 10 of cabe rawit.
  17. You need 3 siung of baput.
  18. You need 5 butir of bamer.
  19. It's 1 jempol of gula merah.
  20. Prepare Sejumput of garam.
  21. Prepare Sejumput of kaldu bubuk.

139. Pecel lele🦈 step by step

  1. Pertama bersihkan lele, cuci bersih. Kemudian beri persan jeruk nipis balurkan diamkan 10menit kemudian bilas..
  2. Haluskan baput, ketumbar, jahe, kunyit, kemiri bumbui garam & kaldu bubuk kemudian lumurkan pada lele diamkan 10menit, kemudian panaskan minyak goreng, goreng lele hingga matang tiriskan.
  3. Di tempat lain rebus 2cabe, tomat, baput & bamer masak hingga layu tiriskan..
  4. Setelah layu haluskan Jangan lupa tambahin trasi bakar.
  5. Panaskan secukupnya minyak goreng tumis sambal jangan lupa bumbui dgn garam, kaldu & gula merah test rasa. Masak hingga matang, siap dinikmati berserta nasi anget & lalapan😊.

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