Recipe: Yummy 400) Jus Belimbing
400) Jus Belimbing.
You can have 400) Jus Belimbing using 3 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of 400) Jus Belimbing
- Prepare 2 buah of belimbing.
- Prepare 14 buah of es batu.
- You need 200 ml of air matang.
400) Jus Belimbing step by step
- Cuci bersih lalu kupas dan potong2 belimbing. Buang bijinya..
- Belimbingnya saya potong2 lebih kecil lagi ya. Blender belimbing bersama air dan es batu hingga halus..
- Sajikan dingin. Seger banget deh 👍😋😋..
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