Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Sosis Gulung Mie

Sosis Gulung Mie.

Sosis Gulung Mie You can cook Sosis Gulung Mie using 6 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Sosis Gulung Mie

  1. It's 5 buah of sosis (me sonice, potong jadi 2 bagian).
  2. It's 1 bks of mie instan (merk bebas, me : indomie kuah).
  3. It's 1 butir of telur, ukuran kecil.
  4. You need of Pelengkap/cocolan (sesuai selera) :.
  5. Prepare of Saos sambal.
  6. It's of Mayonaise.

Sosis Gulung Mie instructions

  1. Rebus mie smp matang kemudian tiriskan, campur rata dengan bumbu dan telur..
  2. Gulungkan ke potongan sosis lalu goreng, setelah kecoklatan tiriskan..
  3. Sajikan dengan pelengkap/cocolan sesuai selera (me : saos sambal dan mayonaise)..

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