Recipe: Tasty Otak otak tanpa ikan

Otak otak tanpa ikan.

Otak otak tanpa ikan You can cook Otak otak tanpa ikan using 8 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Otak otak tanpa ikan

  1. It's 1 sdt of garam.
  2. It's Sedikit of rocyo.
  3. You need 5 bh of baput.
  4. It's 170 ml of air.
  5. You need 70 gr of terigu.
  6. Prepare 1 of daun bawang.
  7. You need 1 of telur.
  8. Prepare 150 gr of tapioka.

Otak otak tanpa ikan step by step

  1. Rebus garam, rocyo, baput ulek. Tambah terigu, masak. Angkat. Tambah telur, daun bawang iris, tapioka. Adonin sebentar. Potong2. Bikin spt cabe. Rebus dg sedikit minyak. Angkat ktk mengapung. Ambil kasih minyak biar tdk lengket. Goreng. Taburi bumbu tabur.
  2. .

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