How to Prepare Perfect Jus alpukat mix dalgona coffee

Jus alpukat mix dalgona coffee.

Jus alpukat mix dalgona coffee You can have Jus alpukat mix dalgona coffee using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Jus alpukat mix dalgona coffee

  1. You need 3 buah of alpukat (belah menjadi 2 bagian).
  2. You need 1 bks of milo shacet.
  3. You need 250 ml of susu uht full cream.
  4. Prepare 2-3 sdm of gula pasir (optional).
  5. It's Secukupnya of air matang.
  6. It's of Beberapa es batu (optional).
  7. Prepare of Cream dalgona coffee (lihat resep).

Jus alpukat mix dalgona coffee instructions

  1. Siapkan bahan dan alat (blender dan gelas saji).
  2. Kerok buah alpukat, masukan milo dan gula pasir.
  3. Blend sampai lumat dan tercampur merata rasa manisnya.
  4. Setelah selesai, tuang alpukat kedalam gelas saji, lalu masukan es batu, susu uht dan terakhir beri cream dalgona coffee nya. Siap dinikmati๐Ÿฅ‘.

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