Recipe: Yummy Tomato Soup English Style

Tomato Soup English Style.

Tomato Soup English Style You can have Tomato Soup English Style using 11 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Tomato Soup English Style

  1. Prepare 500 gr of tomat segar.
  2. Prepare 1 of red paprika.
  3. You need 1 of bombay.
  4. You need 2 siung of bawput potong kecil.
  5. It's Secukupnya of basil.
  6. It's Secukupnya of olive oil.
  7. It's Secukupnya of red vinegar.
  8. It's 2 sdm of tomato paste.
  9. You need of Gula.
  10. You need of Garam.
  11. Prepare of Black pepper.

Tomato Soup English Style step by step

  1. Kupotong2 dan kutata bahan2 nya begini yah. Tomat, bombay, paprika. Taburi garlic, red vinegar, olive oil, gulgar, black pepper. Semua aku kasi kira2 secukupnya aja dulu. Tambahkan basil. Oven 180 derajat kira2 15mins. Angkat..
  2. Taro di panci dan haluskan. Masak api kecil. Kasi tomato paste. Dicicipi yah. Koreksi rasa. Kalo dirasa terlalu kentel Bisa tambah air dikit2 sampe ketemu tekstur yg dirasa pas sesuai selera. Kalo udah mateng bisa diangkat dan hidangkan panas2. Aku makan dgn toast sourdough and cheese. Yum!!. Tomato Soup English Style

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