Recipe: Appetizing Jus Wortel

Jus Wortel.

Jus Wortel You can cook Jus Wortel using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Jus Wortel

  1. You need 3 buah of wortel ukuran sedang.
  2. It's 2 sdm of Gula (bisa ditambah/dikurangi ya).
  3. You need of Susu skm secukupnya (boleh skip).
  4. It's secukupnya of Air.

Jus Wortel step by step

  1. Potong wortel,masukkan blender.
  2. Beri air secukupnya,masukkan gula dan skm.
  3. Lalu tutup dan blender,stelah itu saring dan jadi deh jus wortel yg segar dan menyehatkan😃.

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