How to Make Delicious Pecel sayur sederhana ala kampung

Pecel sayur sederhana ala kampung.

Pecel sayur sederhana ala kampung You can cook Pecel sayur sederhana ala kampung using 15 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Pecel sayur sederhana ala kampung

  1. Prepare 1 ikat of kacang panjang.
  2. Prepare 1 ikat of bayam.
  3. It's 1 genggam of taoge kecil.
  4. It's 3 buah of timun.
  5. You need 2 buah of lontong, optional (bisa pakai nasi).
  6. You need of Bumbu kacang.
  7. It's of Bumbu kacang siap jadi.
  8. It's 3 of cabai rawit.
  9. Prepare 1/2 of jeruk limau.
  10. It's 1 ruas kecil of kencur.
  11. Prepare of Garam.
  12. Prepare secukupnya of Air panas.
  13. You need of Pelengkap.
  14. It's of Tempe goreng tepung (optional).
  15. You need of Kerupuk udang (optional).

Pecel sayur sederhana ala kampung instructions

  1. Potong2 & Rebus kacang panjang.
  2. Rebus bayam, touge lalu tiriskan.
  3. Ulek semua bumbu pecel dan beri air panas, Potong lontong, cacah timun, campurkan sayur mayur aduk rata, pecel siap di sajikan.

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