How to Prepare Appetizing Nutrijel Cincau Kuah Fibercreme

Nutrijel Cincau Kuah Fibercreme.

Nutrijel Cincau Kuah Fibercreme You can have Nutrijel Cincau Kuah Fibercreme using 7 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Nutrijel Cincau Kuah Fibercreme

  1. It's 1 bungkus of nutrijel cincau.
  2. You need 400 ml of air (untuk masak nutrijel).
  3. It's 3 sdm of gula pasir (tambahan saya).
  4. It's 400 ml of air matang (untuk kuah fibercreme).
  5. Prepare 2 sdm of fibercreme.
  6. You need 5 sdm of skm.
  7. It's of Es batu.

Nutrijel Cincau Kuah Fibercreme instructions

  1. Dalam panci campur air gula pasir dan nutrijel masak hingga mendidih gula larut angkat tuang ke dalam wadah cetakan biarkan suhu ruang baru simpan di kulkas lalu potong dadu.
  2. Di wadah lainnya campur skm fibercreme juga air lalu beri es batu secukupnya aduk rata (saya pake whisk) cicipi dalam mangkok atau gelas tata potongan nutrijel cincau kemudian siram kuah fibercreme sajikan segera~.

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