Recipe: Perfect Jus Ubi Ungu

Jus Ubi Ungu.

Jus Ubi Ungu You can have Jus Ubi Ungu using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Jus Ubi Ungu

  1. It's 150 gram of ubi ungu.
  2. Prepare 300 ml of susu uht plain.
  3. It's 1 sendok teh of madu.
  4. You need secukupnya of susu kental manis.

Jus Ubi Ungu step by step

  1. Kukus ubi ungu.. potong2...
  2. Masukkan potongan ubi ungu, susu uht,madu ke blender.. haluskan...
  3. Siap dinikmati.. mau diminum langsung bisa.. mau dimasukkin ke lemari es biar ada sensasi dingin bisa.. ato mau dimasukkin ke freezer jg bisa.. 😁😁.

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