How to Prepare Yummy Puding Cappucino cincau

Puding Cappucino cincau.

Puding Cappucino cincau You can have Puding Cappucino cincau using 10 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Puding Cappucino cincau

  1. Prepare 1500 ml of Susu UhT.
  2. You need 200 ml of Whipping cream cair (saya 400 gR).
  3. Prepare 150-200 gR of gula Pasir/sesuai selera.
  4. Prepare 3 bungkus of capuccino torabika + chocolate granule.
  5. Prepare 2 Bungkus of Agar² Swallow globe Plain.
  6. You need 1 Sdt of Nutrijell Plain.
  7. Prepare 1/2 sdt of Pasta Vanilla.
  8. Prepare Secubit of gaRam.
  9. You need of 1 Bungkus Nutrijell cincau.
  10. Prepare of Masak.

Puding Cappucino cincau instructions

  1. Siapkan semua Bahan.
  2. Campur Agar² + Nutrijell + Capuccino & gula aduk Rata.
  3. Tambahkan Susu + Whip cream,Aduk hingga Meletup sambil Terus di Aduk.
  4. Tambahkan Pasta Vanilla + garam cicip/koreksi Rasa.
  5. Siapkan Loyang/cetakan Puding ( sebelumnya loyang harus di bilas / percikan Air Agar Mudah melepas Puding.
  6. Tuang Potongan CincaU Nutrijell.
  7. Tunggu sekitar 5 menit Adonan Cappucino Agar berkurang sedikit panas nya & potongan cincau tidak larut baru tuang ke loyang. Puding Cappucino cincau
  8. Dinginkan di Suhu ruang sampai Uap panas hilang.
  9. Selamat mencoba.

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