Easiest Way to Prepare Appetizing Kaki sapi masak mie
Kaki sapi masak mie.
You can have Kaki sapi masak mie using 5 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Kaki sapi masak mie
- You need of Daging dari 1 kaki sapi.
- It's 2 batang of cesim uk sedang.
- You need 2 buah of tahu kuning.
- You need 3 bungkus of mie instan rasa soto(terserah rasa apa aja).
- It's of Cabe(opsional).
Kaki sapi masak mie step by step
- Potong2 daging nya.
- Potong2 cesim.
- Rebus mie nya,kmudian tiriskan.
- Rebus cesim,daging,dan tahu,masak smpai cesim matang.
- Campur mie,cesim dan bahan2 lain ny,jgn lupa bumbu dri mie instan ny.
- Aq tambahin kupat juga😝.
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