Recipe: Perfect Otak-otak crispy sasa

Otak-otak crispy sasa. Bikin sendiri hidangan berbuka yang simple dan enak? Cobain masak Otak - Otak ala SASA yang bisa disajikan dalam waktu singkat dan pastinya. Otak otak crispy kini telah menghadirkan menu baru nya dan akan di rilis mulai sore ini, buruan diserbu jangan sampai terlewatkan.

Otak-otak crispy sasa Otak-otak is an Indonesian grilled fish cake made of ground fish meat mixed with tapioca starch and spices. It is widely known across Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. OTAK-OTAK - TAHU KRISPY - STIK KENTANG - INDONESIAN STREET FOOD Подробнее. You can have Otak-otak crispy sasa using 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Otak-otak crispy sasa

  1. Prepare 10 batang of otak2.
  2. You need of Air.
  3. Prepare of Minyak.
  4. You need of Tepung crispy:.
  5. You need 180-200 gr of terigu pro tinggi/sdg.
  6. You need 1 bungkus of bumbu racik ayam dr produk sasa(merk bebas).
  7. You need 1 sdm of mezeina.
  8. It's 1/2 sdm of baking powder.

Traditionally eaten with rice or bread, the Spicy Otak Otak -or spicy fish cakes -packs a tight punch! A dish favoured in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, it is a delicious amalgamation of Southeast Asian spices, shrimp pasteand the Spanish mackerel wrapped in fragrant banana leaves. Otak-Otak is a Southeast Asian snack, usually associated with Indonesia and Malaysia. The main ingredient of the dish is ground fish paste.

Otak-otak crispy sasa step by step

  1. Campur hingga rata semua bahan tepung crispy.ambil cuman 3sdm beri air.jgn sampe keenceran.
  2. Panaskan minyak.
  3. Masukan otak2 ke adonan basah.lalu goreng di minyak panas.gunakan api kecil-sedang..
  4. Lalukan sampe selsai.
  5. Enjoyyy🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤.

In Indonesian and Malay, otak means brains, which is a reference to the consistency and whitish color of the dish. While it is usually served as a snack. Otak otak crispy - jakarta street food. Heat up wok and boil water. Unwrap the leaves and serve this otak-otak immediately.

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